Being involved and engaged in several areas at once is the norm for some people. For such a person, when they have completed one thing, it is almost intuitive for them to seek out the next thing they are to do. It may seem as if the wheels of their mind automatically start turning over thoughts of what is next for them to direct their energies and efforts toward. This is not so much from the standpoint of them being engulfed in busyness as much as it is them being consistently engaged in the Father’s business. As such, frustration can set in when the what and how of the next phase of the Lord’s assignment for them is not immediately clear. Yet it is such times when the Lord beckons one aside to a place of quietness.
The place of quietness is often not immediately recognized or instantly embraced when one is in the mode of searching for what is next. After a while of seeking to discern what is next for them to do but not receiving clear direction by which they can move out on, they may hear the Holy Spirit within speak the words, “Just be still.” It is then that one settles into the place of quietness.
In quietness, the Lord gives us Rest and Restoration of the energies we have expended. We also gain Clarity and Direction of the what and how of the next phase of our purpose that the Lord would have us engage in.
The prophet Elijah experienced such a time of residing in a place of quietness. While the scripture does not explicitly state that Elijah was seeking the Lord for what was the next thing for him to do, Elijah was in a place where he was struggling internally. Even though Elijah was being used mightily by God as he carried out the purpose the Lord assigned to his hands, Elijah’s struggle stemmed from this very assigned purpose, specifically from the ministry task he had just completed. Being challenged emotionally, mentally, and physically, Elijah was not at a point where he could receive directions for the next phase of his ministry.
Emotionally, Elijah was terrified of Jezebel’s threats to end his life (1 Kings 19:3). Mentally, Elijah did not believe he was successful at his assignment or that there was anything else within him to give (1 Kings 19:4). Physically, Elijah was exhausted (1 Kings 19:5-6). Although these events and human emotions led Elijah to a place where he could be alone, the Lord was leading Elijah to a place of quietness.
When Elijah was under the juniper tree and later at the cave, the Lord gave Elijah physical rest and restoration through food, water, and sleep. Having experienced rest and restoration, Elijah could receive the clarity and direction he most needed to carry him further in his ministry assignment. This, the Lord gave to Elijah while at the cave.
Through the “sound of a low whisper” (1 Kings 19:12, ESV), i.e. a thin silence, the Lord gave Elijah the clarity and direction he needed to get beyond his current state and for him to be able to move into the next phase of the Lord’s assignment for him. It was in the quietness that Elijah received this clarity and direction (1 Kings 19:12-18).
When we reside in a place of quietness, the Lord settles our spirit and clears our hearing so that we can receive His instructions, direction, encouragement, affirmation, and assurances for our next phase of ministry. Resolve to reside in quietness and experience the Rest, Restoration, Clarity, and Direction the Lord offers.
--by Alice Hansche Mortenson
I needed the quiet so He drew me aside,
Into the shadows where we could confide.
Away from the bustle where all the day long
I hurried and worried when active and strong.
I needed the quiet though at first I rebelled,
But gently, so gently, my cross He upheld,
And whispered so sweetly of spiritual things.
Though weakened in body, my spirit took wings
To heights never dreamed of when active and gay.
He loved me so greatly He drew me away.
I needed the quiet. No prison my bed,
But a beautiful valley of blessings instead--
A place to grow richer in Jesus to hide.
I needed the quiet so He drew me aside.